Caapucu, Paraguay

horses grazing at sunset

We spent a few nights on an estancia in Caapucu (pronounced ca-a-puu-ku) to do some horseback riding and relaxing, before heading to the missions in the south of Paraguay. This ranch had the normal cows, horses, buffalo and dogs, but sadly they also had a jaguar, a puma, mountain cat, and some kind of monkey. Apparently the owners´friends caught these animals up in the Chaco, and brought them to the farm to be kept in cages. We also learned that there were two jaguars, but one of them escaped and killed a few people.

3 Responses to “Caapucu, Paraguay”

  1. nick says:

    cORswN hi! hice site!

  2. Hugo says:

    Christine, no se de que nacionalidad eres, pero estás queriendo dejar mal parada a la gente que te ha recibido en ese sitio por el tema de los jaguares, etc. Yo te pregunto, en tu pais no hay zoológicos?. Podrias hacer lo mismo, es decir criticar de igual forma todos los zoológicos que existen en el mundo?. Seguro que tambien habrá circos, en donde también están animales en cautiverio, segun tu criterio. Me encantaría saber tu nacionalidad verdadera, seguro tenemos mas cosas que discutir.