“Hay trucha!” (there’s trout!)

Lunch at the Comedor Popular in Copacabana-4 Lunch at the Comedor Popular in Copacabana-3
Fresh trout Lunch at the Comedor Popular in Copacabana-2

The local people who live on Lake Titicaca are pretty much all farmers–either terrace farmers on the land or they are farmers on the lake. Well, some of the people still actually fish, but much of the trout is now farm raised in small cages on the lake. Trout is on every menu of every restaurant in town, and it can be prepared one of 8 different ways. We stuck with the pan fried version with lime, rice and fries–so delicious for only 18 Bolivianos ($2.47), we ate it nearly every meal.

One Response to ““Hay trucha!” (there’s trout!)”

  1. Nomadic Matt says:

    Again, more great photos.